Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Hate People

I just need to vent a little.....(I started this on 4/6)

I hate people who blatantly ask for shit. I mean where do people get off, just asking for stuff. Is that what freaking blogs are for and does it actually work? I know this gal who doesn't usually seem like that type of chick. She's more apt to like I dunno go out and build the shit she needs or grow it or knit it or whatever. She just went on her blog and was basically asking for an ipad. I don't really care about the ipad, I don't particularly want one. My point is that I had no clue how much they cost. So, I googled it - whoa, those motherfuckers are like $600-800. Um, WHAT? I can see going on your blog or even FB and asking if anyone has any hand-me-down jammies for your quickly growing toddler or even used appliances and shit. But an I-FREAKING-PAD??? Holy Jesus, that's ballsy.

I just engaged in a minor blog fight with a complete and total stranger. I've NEVER done that. I've been a well-known lurker in debate groups and shit. I don't even usually jump in on debates with my own family. It's just too much hassle. But this bitch fucking pissed me right the fuck off. BIG TIME. Like I almost wanted to call in reinforcements. I just typed out the whole fight and deleted it. HAHAHAHA. It was dumb but it freaking triggered me man, and what if she saw my blog somehow and thought I was all torn up about it. (I don't even know if it is a she, IRL but is a girl sounding name). I'll totally link the convo if anyone is interested. It was on a somewhat well-known blog. Fuck, it's still irks me. >:/

Erg, gotta go - but what is the deal with Bethany and Jill's feud on RHONY? Jeezus Jill, get off your high horse! Or is an editing thing????


AmyBean said...

No, Jill's being a jerk. I get being upset about the whole thing, but how juvenile is it to keep the phone message for THREE MONTHS and play it for other people? That kind of thing went out in junior high. It's dumb. Jill's controlling and juvenile. Bad combo.

I love that you were in an e-fight. That's funny. :)

Who asks for an iPad on their blog? That's weird.

kiki said...

Um, link?

Jodi said...

Well, I'm fer sherr linking the bitch now! She just called me a bitchy twat! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feel free to defend me or just RUN for cover!

Little Miss Me said...

Jennifer?! You LOVE her blog!!! Shit, I read her blog because you love it so! WTH happened?

Why does everyone hate Luann? I loved Luann until last week's show. Although after last week, I hate Luann, too.

But Bethenny? Ugh. She's no better.

Jodi said...

Who's Jennifer? LOL, is that the girl who does the Things I Want to Punch in the Face? She had her readers write in and give their own lists. One set me off. BAAAAAD. She basically said that breastfeeding was gross among a slew of other shit. We made nice though, I can't handle discord even with strangers and she was clearly better at slinging insults. I said she made herself look like a complete and utter ass, she told me to shove my sarcasm up by bitchy twat! LOLOLOLOLOL! Seriously, that's waaaaay more than I can handle.

And I agree about Luann and Bethenney. B is dumb simply for spelling her name that way. *rolls eyes*

Valkyrie said...

I like Bethanny. No matter how you spell it. I like that she's so dysfunctional and *knows* it. She knows she's a mental mess. I like people who are honest with themselves without being all apologetic about it. She knows and accepts herself. Also, she cracks me up sssooooo much.

I like Jill too. Actually, RHNYC is my favorite because I pretty much like them all on some level. Kelly because she's a dumbass and inadvertently funny. Ramona because she is a fucking loudmouth psycho who is in love with her husband and shows her vulnerability a lot when she talks about her parents. I didn't like Luann until her ass got so unceremoniously dumped. That made me sad for her. I saw her fragility then but also her resilience. And Alex and Simon have totally grown on me. Alex is always cool until you dis her kids, then she's total mama bear. I like that. And Simon is so fucking gay but he's a straight man and that's pretty cool. And I mean gay like gay, not gay like stupid. I mean he is actually gay but he likes having sex with his wife. hahaahaha He's awesome!

AmyBean said...

I used to like LuAnn but she's so hypocritical and can't even see it. I mean, we're all hypocritical to an extent, but she's bad about it. She's all about class and tact but then she turns around and insults people and digs at them and is totally classless. I don't like her.

Alex and Simon look like dead people, and I know it's shallow of me to say that, but it's true. Alex looks so much nicer when she curls her hair, but she NEVER does it except in interviews. I like them ok though personality-wise. They seem like honest people. I like honest.

Kelly's a douche. I just don't get her at all. She always has to be right, and in charge of the conversation if there's an argument. It's obnoxious.

Bethenny's my fave though. Especially this season. I just think I'd like her if I met her.

AmyBean said...

Holy crap, LuAnn canNOT sing.