Friday, December 18, 2009


Fuckin ear infections. I was hoping and PRAYING that we could make it through one motherfucking Christmas without Josie getting sick. *sigh* I guess she has a week to get better.

Actually, not even a whole week. We will leave to go to the ranch/my mom's on either Sunday or Monday. Annnnnd in true Jodi fashion, we still have lots of shopping and shit to do.

So, Josie has an ear infection and Katherine is sorta getting over a doozy of a cold. The lingering cough is vicious, making her cough until she gags and pukes. Freaking nice. I just feel so bad for the both of them. Josie keeps telling me that her ear hurts. I did cold socks last night and it might have helped a little but it didn't take it away completely. We're really just trying our best to avoid the stupid antibiotics. They make her have an upset tummy and diarrhea. Boo. Plus, I'm not so sure they have ever really gotten rid of her ear infection and they certainly don't alleviate her pain at all.

Crap, Katherine is crying and pulling at me.

Maybe someday I can shower.

1 comment:

Valkyrie said...

Poor babies! I hope they are on the mend soon!