Sunday, February 21, 2010

*yawn* um....BORING

This post is going to be boring but I am bored. I'm watching a friend's children for a couple of hours and I need to fold the laundry which is upstairs but one of the babies is sleeping up there and I don't want to wake him. So, I blog.

My contacts are bugging me. My eyes are all itchy and sometimes watery. Irritating to say the least.

Sometimes, I wish I didn't care about people. It's not like I want to be some big dickhead but I hate worrying and fretting and feeling distressed about the people in my life. It's hard enough to worry about my own interpersonal relationships but then I sometimes worry when two of my loved ones aren't getting along. I worry that I'll be caught in the middle or not caught in the middle or that they'll never make up. Or that their individual dynamic will somehow change my own universe somehow. It's probably because my parents got divorced. Kidding. I almost admire those people who can just write others out of their lives completely. Just turn it off and never think about them again or miss them. Even most of the people I have at one time or another "hated", I end up missing in a few months or years. I wonder why that is? I also wonder if I am in the minority? My brothers can just *snap* be so DONE with people. If someone does them wrong, fuck it you are fucking OUT. Maybe they think about them but they sure don't show it. How does that work?

Oh well, I never really claimed to have much emotional fortitude.

I've really had a thing for Reese's Pieces lately. So good.

Katherine is not liking to eat again. She's picked up on her nursing and I feel a lot more frequent letdowns while we nurse, but still I worry. I'm scared to weigh her. I know I should give myself a break because she's been sick and stuff. Fuuuuuuuuuck.

Josie has been such a good helper. She helps me set the table and clear it after dinner. She throws the dirty laundry down the stairs to the bottomless pile at the base of the stairs. She puts her own clean clothes away. Not to mention, she is on constant choking hazard patrol. That one is actually funny.

She also has some awesome attitude at times. Complete with heavy sighs, eye rolling and "But Maaaaaaaamaaaaaaa!"

I cannot seem to get into the Olympics this year. I have friends who are actually there watching some events, one was posting pics of the Finnish bobsled team getting shitty drunk the night before an event. Or at least that is who he said it was. He's a notorious for bragging so that might lead into lying. Frankly, he annoys me.

I can't stand Alexis on RHOC. She is such a joke. And her husband grosses me right the fuck out. Gretchen had something done to her face. She looks so scary this season. How about the way she cracks up at her own STUPID jokes all.the.time? Newsflash Gretch: YOU are not that funny. Lynn probably doesn't have the sense God gave a cork but I think she has a good heart. Vicki is not bugging me at all this season, I still think she looks like Miss Piggy but I'm glad she's being nicer to her hubs. Tamra, I really want to like but she's leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Sometimes, I feel bad for her and sometimes I want to slap her.

Alright, I guess that's it...


AmyBean said...

About caring: I'm an anomaly. When someone is *in* my life, I care deeply. But I am able to let go without a problem. Facebook makes that a little harder because people from my past show up on there, but I'm just like, "Oh cool, I'm gonna go look at their picture" and then I'm done. Whatever. I think the same part of me that cares deeply is exactly why I forget about people when they're out of my life. It's too hard to worry and wonder. I can't do it.

Don't worry about K. She'll get what she needs. Really.

Alexis doesn't make sense to me. Lynne drives me crazy. I kind of like Gretchen, but I probably wouldn't want to hang out with her. And Vicki -- I cannot stand that woman. She is such a BABY. My goodness. "You won't take my side over your husband's, you aren't a real friend." Get over yourself, dude. And all that bull about "everybody ganged up on me at lunch, blah blah blah" -- ok, she started it. She said she wanted to go there, so they went there. And instead of listening, she got all defensive and rude and whatever. So I have no sympathy for her, and I don't like her.

Little Miss Me said...

do not get me started on the RHOC!!!!!!!!

UGH!!!!!!!!!! I want to punch Lynn in the fucking face, but her damn face might come off and then her fake boobs will explode! I seriously want to grab her by the throat and pin her to a fucking wall! Is she serious?!?! Is she seriously mad at her husband for not telling her about the deposit when all her and her whiny, greedy, bitchy daughters demand more and more and more expensive stuff?!?! Seriously, I look at those girls and think, "that. THAT is why I never wanted a girl." Ugh.

Alexis makes me laugh. I don't know what her deal is. I spend all my time feeling sad for her. And I really like Gretchen. Always have.

When I'm punching Lynn, I want to run Vicki over with an 18 wheeler. And then back up. Um, you are an asshole. Your husband needs his balls back, but he realizes you probably put them in the blender with that margarita you had, and you and your job need to get over yourself.

Ok. I'm done. :)

Jodi said...

FUCKING A. I wrote out this long thing about caring about people and fuckin' Vicki and I somehow fucking deleted it. WTF?

Katherine has been eating more the past couple of days so I'm not so worried anymore. talk me to next week, though. ;)

I was cracking up at both RHOC comments. I totally forgot how weird Vicki is Tamra and she is a such a drama whore. I guess I just hate her less than in previous years and I feel bad that her surprisingly normal daughter might have cancer. The 18 wheeler remark was pitch AWESOME! And Amy, it just makes me giggle hardcore whenever you don't like someone! And I wanted to comment on your 365 blog about your cute tushy but I didn't want to look like a weirdo, lol.

It cracks me up when Alexis complains about having small kids and all the work she has to do with them. Granted, they are young and close in age but um, she has how many nannies? Seriously. To look like that it is taking her at least 2 hours to get ready in the morning, not to mention working out, tanning, nail appts, hair appts, etc, etc.

I SO agree with you Andrea about Lynne.

Valkyrie said...

I never hate people. It takes too much energy. I just write people off and don't think about them again. I can go from loving someone to complete indifference in zero to sixty. It's pretty easy for me. I think it's because we used to move around a lot and I was always saying good-bye. Now saying good-bye is easy for me. People come and go. My set of friends has always been pretty fluid. Although, I do still have friends in my life that I've known since I was 11. Maybe having that core of friends who has stuck it out with me for 30 years has made the ebb and flow of other people not matter.

RHOC is driving me nuts. I never know when it's on, they are not showing it on demand, and on the housewives marathon weekends, they are showing NJ, which I never got into. Alexis and her husband are definitely weird and creepy. God, did you see the one where Alexis was freaking out because she thought someone was hitting on her slimy husband??? WTH? No one wants your man. Crazy!

Gretchen does laugh at her own jokes, and she's totally not funny. But I find it kind of endearing for some reason. She's just kind of dumb I think, but sweet.

I can't stand Vicki. She's such an ego maniac. She has to have all the attention or she throws a tantrum and pouts.

I used to hate Tamara too, but for some reason I like her more this season. I think it's because she is showing vulnerability but also really trying to establish some independence even though she's scared of change.

AmyBean said...

Valk, RHOOC is on at 10 and 11 on Thursday nights. They show previous episodes for like 5 hours before that, and then the new one at 10, and then rerun the new one at 11. And then stupid Andy Cohen at 12, which is such a pointless show. Anyway. Now you know. Get a DVR! :)

Valkyrie said...

Well, that explains why I never see it. At 10:00 I'm watching Private Practice and by 11:00, I'm asleep. :-)

Jodi said...

And Valk, because we are on the west coast, we can see it at 7pm. Woooooot! I love watching those 10pm east coast time shows at 7!!!!

(Should I have capitalized East Coast and west coast...?)

AmyBean said...

Would you PLEASE blog about this week's show so I can complain?!