Sunday, February 21, 2010

*yawn* um....BORING

This post is going to be boring but I am bored. I'm watching a friend's children for a couple of hours and I need to fold the laundry which is upstairs but one of the babies is sleeping up there and I don't want to wake him. So, I blog.

My contacts are bugging me. My eyes are all itchy and sometimes watery. Irritating to say the least.

Sometimes, I wish I didn't care about people. It's not like I want to be some big dickhead but I hate worrying and fretting and feeling distressed about the people in my life. It's hard enough to worry about my own interpersonal relationships but then I sometimes worry when two of my loved ones aren't getting along. I worry that I'll be caught in the middle or not caught in the middle or that they'll never make up. Or that their individual dynamic will somehow change my own universe somehow. It's probably because my parents got divorced. Kidding. I almost admire those people who can just write others out of their lives completely. Just turn it off and never think about them again or miss them. Even most of the people I have at one time or another "hated", I end up missing in a few months or years. I wonder why that is? I also wonder if I am in the minority? My brothers can just *snap* be so DONE with people. If someone does them wrong, fuck it you are fucking OUT. Maybe they think about them but they sure don't show it. How does that work?

Oh well, I never really claimed to have much emotional fortitude.

I've really had a thing for Reese's Pieces lately. So good.

Katherine is not liking to eat again. She's picked up on her nursing and I feel a lot more frequent letdowns while we nurse, but still I worry. I'm scared to weigh her. I know I should give myself a break because she's been sick and stuff. Fuuuuuuuuuck.

Josie has been such a good helper. She helps me set the table and clear it after dinner. She throws the dirty laundry down the stairs to the bottomless pile at the base of the stairs. She puts her own clean clothes away. Not to mention, she is on constant choking hazard patrol. That one is actually funny.

She also has some awesome attitude at times. Complete with heavy sighs, eye rolling and "But Maaaaaaaamaaaaaaa!"

I cannot seem to get into the Olympics this year. I have friends who are actually there watching some events, one was posting pics of the Finnish bobsled team getting shitty drunk the night before an event. Or at least that is who he said it was. He's a notorious for bragging so that might lead into lying. Frankly, he annoys me.

I can't stand Alexis on RHOC. She is such a joke. And her husband grosses me right the fuck out. Gretchen had something done to her face. She looks so scary this season. How about the way she cracks up at her own STUPID jokes all.the.time? Newsflash Gretch: YOU are not that funny. Lynn probably doesn't have the sense God gave a cork but I think she has a good heart. Vicki is not bugging me at all this season, I still think she looks like Miss Piggy but I'm glad she's being nicer to her hubs. Tamra, I really want to like but she's leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Sometimes, I feel bad for her and sometimes I want to slap her.

Alright, I guess that's it...

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I started a rad, badass, sweet 365 Blog! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited about it. It forces me to take at least one photo a day and I really want to be like all the other cool kids, yo!

So, here it is.

I need Kari to show me AGAIN how to do a linky.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Checking in.....

I keep waiting to have something real to say so my blog has a purpose or something but who gives a fuck, right?

I'm tired. Like I have a newborn baby tired. The girls have been sick (I'm going on 3 nights of no more than 4 hrs sleep) and I never seem to get good sleep when they are hacking and snorting and gagging and even puking. I have to draaaaaaaaaaaaag myself up outta bed and I've perfected the art of making coffee with my eyes basically shut. I should be doing laundry while Katherine is occupied but I'll blog because I like never blog. (I only read about a dozen a day.)

I've been thinking about starting a 365 project - I'm not sure if Amy still reads this boring mofo but if you do - what do you think? Originally, I thought 365's could be started anytime but the more I see of them, the more I see you really are supposed to start them at the beginning of the year. Poop. I know I can start a blog about whatever the fuck I want to, but I am a rule follower. What a tragic dilemma. Heh. I love seeing Amy's 365, it just makes me smile and I see a lot of growth in her photography. (Such a grown-up sounding sentence in mah head.)

I'm excited for Greys and PP tonight. That's what my life has become, getting excited for frigging TV shows.

My big girl turned FOUR yesterday. She is pretty sick, she has a baaaaaaad cough, fever, runny nose, etc. Poor baby doesn't even really have a voice. So, last night I gave her a nice toasty bath right after dinner and blew her hair dry. Then, I rubbed some homemade Vick's crap on her chest and back and feet, tucked her into the recliner under her furry princess blanket where she fell asleep. A full hour and a half before her regular bedtime. Score! James put her to bed about 45 minutes later and then went to check on her two hours after that.

I was just getting Katherine to sleep, she was nursing and in that nursing coma/zone. James came out of Josie's room holding her under the armpits and half running to the bathroom. He goes, "Jodi, she threw up."


James stripped her down and put her back in the bath because she had, of course, barfed all over her freshly washed and dried hair. I put Katherine down to assess the damage in her bed. Puke. I gingerly picked through the bedding trying to decipher what had vomit shrapnel on it and what was clean. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad. By this point Katherine if fucking LIVID.

Josie was sobbing and barking and holding her chest.

I grabbed my phone and called my mama. It's what I always do when something is even slightly wrong or off or good or funny get the picture. As near as we can tell, she just coughed so hard she threw up. That or the fever upset her tummy.

Fuck, I didn't mean to make this such a long story. Anyway, she had a horrible fucking night, alllllllll on the very day of her fourth birthday. It was so pathetic, I wanted to cry.

OK. *sigh* I guess I've wasted enough time. I'll go re-wash the puke laundry. Yum.